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New Year, New Business Strategy

Now is the time to reflect on the work we have done over the course of the year. Now is the time to look back and to think about what we have accomplished, what we have succeeded at, where we have failed, and what we can do next year to be better versions of ourselves. 

There are many ways that we can learn from the past. One such topic to discuss in regard to correcting failure is in how we present ourselves to our potential clients and to land the account. Out of 10 potential customers, most designers are lucky to walk away with one or two confirmed clients. Why is that? A lot of it has to do with how we present ourselves to our clients. How we represent our company and how we present our methods to the potential client is paramount into landing the job. 

Increasing in demand is the need for more professional client presentations and designers just don't know how to achieve that. What I have found and what has been working for the designers I've had the pleasure of working with is the use of 3D rendered visualizations of the design intent. By producing a mock-up of the design, both designer and client are able to see the design concept in its entirety before any materials are purchased or before any construction has begun. 

When you present this concept of 3D visualization to your potential client at your first meeting, most often they will respect the thought of being able to see the design before hand and that will help you to grow a stronger bond with that customer moving forward and can significantly increase your chances of gaining that potential client as a customer. 

Being just one of many new business strategies to consider for the new year, renderings of design concepts are the wave of the digital future for interior design. Your business and your success has nothing to lose but growth if you are considering design renderings for your business. 

Will you be the next to enhance your business in 2018?

Charles Messenger
CEO / Lead Draftsman
esigns Rendered, LLC